Thank you for your interest in helping out with the trails! Ridge to Rivers has scheduled all volunteer opportunities through 2024.

Trail Ranger Program
If you use the Ridge to Rivers trail system often, you will likely encounter a Volunteer Trail Ranger at some point. From April through October, 15 dedicated Trail Rangers donate some of their spare time each week to ride, hike or run the trails in uniform.
Trail Rangers provide a number of invaluable services to the Ridge to Rivers program. Their reports help to identify problems on the trail system such as maintenance needs or missing signage, as well as document user observations which help managers chart trends.
Trail Rangers also spend a considerable amount of time educating other users about trail etiquette, as well as helping with directions, the occasional bicycle maintenance need, and informing users regarding trail regulations that they should be following. Rangers are not enforcement officials and are purely education oriented.
There are a limited number of opportunities to become a Volunteer Trail Ranger.

Adopt a Trail Program
A number of Ridge to Rivers trails are maintained annually by local businesses and organizations involved with our Adopt a Trail program. Adoptees maintain their respective trails each spring, under the supervision of trail crew staff. The maintenance is generally done during a weekday afternoon with tools provided by Ridge to Rivers.
Opportunities to be involved with this program are limited, as there are only a select number of trails on the Ridge to Rivers system that are conducive to maintenance by hand (as many of our trails once existed as two-track jeep roads, maintenance is often better performed with the assistance of our mini trail excavator).
If you have a business or organization that would be interested in adopting a trail, contact the Ridge to Rivers program and we will be happy to add you to our waiting list.