In the fall of 2024, Boise Parks and Recreation launched a 22-question online survey to gather feedback on trails in the Boise Foothills. The Ridge to Rivers partnership, led by the City of Boise, received more than 2,600 responses to the trail user survey that closed on October 24, 2024. Thank you to those who participated in the survey - we appreciate the feedback you shared and are now working to incorporate many suggestions into our practices!
Overall, feedback received shows appreciation for the Ridge to Rivers Trail System. Comments about dog waste issues, concerns about muddy trail damage, and advocacy for one-way directional trails were common. Our goal is to continue educating users about dogs and trail use throughout the year, and our team is working with the city’s Animal Compliance team on additional education efforts. During wet/muddy trail season, the Ridge to Rivers Facebook page and interactive map are updated daily with trail condition reports. We encourage people to visit these resources before heading out. We also want to remind people to always carry mutt mitts and pick up after their pets. Finally, we encourage all trail users to revisit the Happy Trails pledge to ensure that everyone has a positive experience while recreating in the Boise Foothills.
We’re listening -- and here are additional ways we plan to use your feedback to guide management strategies and projects over the next year:
- Dog etiquette, education, and enforcement – Per City Code, owners are required to pick up after their pets and always have their dog under control. Open Space division leaders within Boise Parks and Recreation are working closely with Animal Compliance and Code Enforcement to expand education and enforcement efforts surrounding these ordinances. Our goal is to always lead with education first; however, the survey responses show a clear desire for improved dog etiquette on the trails which may require expanded enforcement efforts as resources and city code allow.
- All-weather trail and accessibility enhancement projects – Trail users greatly appreciate having trail options for every weather condition, as seen in the survey results. Our trail crew is now scoping various locations, distances, and opportunities for additional all-weather trails. This could also be the conversion of a clay-based trail section to an all-weather topsoil mix. The crew is also committed to providing a variety of trail types and experiences for people who use mobility devices or seek accessible trail features. More than 50% of survey respondents reported using accessible trails, and we are committed to enhancing and creating additional trail options for people of all abilities. Any new or existing trail improvement projects will be shared as they come to fruition.
- Additional ways to allow users to report muddy trail conditions – Almost 95% of survey participants said they avoid using muddy trails! This kind of stewardship is encouraging and part of what makes the Ridge to Rivers Trail System so special. Using trails when they are muddy is the leading cause of trail damage, so providing accurate trail condition reports is critical. Following suggestions for more user-submitted reporting, we are now looking into options for trail users to indicate real-time trail conditions to fellow visitors. This could be done through trail signage, engagement on social media, or through other channels. Stay tuned!
- Improvements to signage across the trail system – We are continuing to improve wayfinding and trail information signage. This could look like QR codes at trailheads, accessible trail indicators along the route, or interpretive signage about the area you’re in.
Thank you again for your participation and feedback. The annual survey helps us continue to learn about user experiences on the trails and improve management of the Ridge to Rivers Trail System. We look forward to providing additional opportunities for user engagement and feedback in 2025.